I think since my due date is so near I've become somewhat of a homebody & haven't gone out of my way to make time to hang out with friends. This is blessing #2. We saw many friends there. Not that we had a lot of time to chat since we were chasing after kids, but it was so nice to see everyone. We, of course, saw the Beckers, but we also saw the Cherry's. There were several other families from church there too: Shive's, Betterton's, Hollis', Alexander's, &I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
Even the worst part of the morning I'm seeing as a blessing. I lost a $10 bill there. Normally this would have pretty much ruined my morning. I would have fretted over that $10 for the rest of the day, if not the rest of the weekend. Instead I think God has opened my eyes to see the loss in several other ways.
2. I think, in a way, I was hoarding the money. Geoff had asked me for a few bucks in case he needed to pay for parking downtown. I had 4 $1's & the $10. Which did I give him? The 4 $1's. Why did I just give him the 4 $1's? Normally I would have said something about using the rest for groceries this week, but what I really wanted was a nice baked treat or two that they were selling at the farm.
3. I think God was telling me I didn't need to use my pregnancy to get yet another treat.
4. I pray that whoever found that $10 needed worse than we did.
Another blessing is that we had already bought a pumpkin. Given our tight budget that was something else I didn't see buying this year.
I guess because I've been reading so many other blogs lately, I've been wishing I would take the time to blog more. I definitely have things on my mind to put down. I don't fancy myself as a writer at all & I think that's one of the things that's been holding me back. I think this may be the longest post I've ever made. So, if some of it doesn't make much sense or if it feels like I'm rambling, I'm sorry. I'll still probably mostly post pictures of my family, but I hope to try to fill this space with more of my thoughts, too.
Thanks for sharing your blessings from Saturday, even the harder one of losing the $10. I will pray that God continues to bless you throughout the coming weeks and that someone was blessed by finding that $10!
I enjoyed that story!
keep writing, you are about to have at to write about! keep it up, blogging is fun and I can sooo keep up with your life better
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